
Part II

Where were  you, where are you and where are you going?

When i started this course i didn't know many things about how make a movie, when put the camera and how do a good edition but in this course i learn many things that before i didn't know, this things are for example the camera, i learnt how put the camera for record all the things, is very important use different shootings in the camera and record many times for avoid mistakes. About the edition i learn many things too, before this course i didn't know edit anything but know with the teacher's help and with practice in my different movies, interviews, news and commercial i know edit better. About make a movie before i liked the movies but i didn't understand the work that is necessary for make it, now i know and i can assess this work, i understand the work to the actors, people that put the light because without a good light the movies would be bad, the camera's work he must record well because if all do a good work and he record bad all the work is not use and i understand the director's works because coordinate all the works and that all finish perfect is very difficult and they can do it. i learn many things about the movies and now i like more than when i started the class. And with this class my english is better.

What have you learned about working with equipment (camera, lights, sound...)?

I learn many thins, when i started this course i didn't know many things about the movies but know i learn how use the camera, is very important that for make a movie, for example is very important the angle where you put the camera you need an angle that only appear the actors that they can't see the others workers and a place with a nice lights. About the lights is one of the most important thing because with the light the actors appear better, the image in the camera are better and the final movie is better, the light is very very important. About the sound i learn that in an interview the interviewer's voice no is very important the most important is the interviewee's voice. In a news the image can change but the voice must be always continue telling the news, it's very important the voice in off, you must record and next put in the video and have a good match. I learnt to use the GBC is a machine that the camera used for record the in movement and the camera don't move, is a very good machine and very useful.

What have you learned about working with Final Cut Pro X?

When i started the course i didn't know anything about edit a movie or about the Final Cut Pro X but know making many movies, news, interviews, commercial... i learn many things, now i can edit a video, i know get match the sound (music, voice...) with the video. i learnt how edit the videos with voices in off, the first is the video and when you edit all the video you put the voice in off and get match. Now i think that is easy edit movies but i can learn more things still.

What have you learned about working with actors?

Is a difficult work sometimes for the director because he must put in a well place all the actors all the workers explain the actors how they should do their paper... But for a movie the actors is one of the most important things, is fun work with their, see how they play, is very nice. I liked to work with the actors.

What have you learned about working with a film a crew?

A good coordination is very important the camera, the people that put the lights, the actors... must be coordinate and this must do the director. About this i learnt that if someone have a fail can affect the work of the others for this is very important the director's work. I learnt that a very important thing is communicate with your team, if all know how they must do they can avoid the mistakes and work faster and make a very good movie. 

What have you noticed about television, commercials or motion pictures since you started this class?

When i watched a movie now i can understand all the work that they did, the actors' work, the cameras' work, the director's work... now i can appreciate more the movies and i know how they do somethings in the movies. now i can see the difference between a movie with good light an a movie with bad light, I can difference the good actors with the bad actors, the good history... About the commercial i learn that the most important is that the people that see your commercial want the object that you are showing for this you must make a commercial that call the attention.

Part II

In 2010 there was a film contest  called Parallel Lines in which they asked people to create a three-minute short film using only six lines of dialogue:
“What is that?”
“It’s a unicorn”
“Never seen one up close before”
“Get away, get away”
“I’m sorry”
After more than 600 entries were submitted, director Ridley Scott selected the film below  as the winner. 

I think that the movie can be:
Appear two hunters with bows walking in the forest, they start to search some animal to hunt and suddenly appear a big white horse in near a tree, but this horse have a horn in the head. The two hunters look themselves and one of that said "What is that?" The other one start to walk in the direction where the animal is drinking water and the animal suddenly look him, the hunter when see the beautiful animal think that he can't kill it and he say "Get away, get away" at time that he move his hands in one direction, the other hunter say "it's an unicorn" and they look themselves and don't belive it, suddenly the unicorn start to run and the first hunter say "Beautiful" but suddenly sound a shot and the unicorn feel in the grass when the first hunter look his friend he is looking the unicorn with a stupid face and with his gun looking the animal the second friend think that he kill it and when the second hunter look his friend he said with a stupid face "I'm sorry".

I think that they did a good work in the vide, with the camera they did a very good job, the angles when the old man comes to the house, he recorded him in many different angules and look very good we learn this and we use in the commercialy,  i like when he record the camera up the stairs and look like you can se the same that the old man can see. Next i like is when the small kid find the girl the camera is very good they use the fire like light and this look very good.

I like how they use they use the words, with only 6 dialogs the can tell a good history, in this class i learn that use very well the things for make a film is important but one of the most important is have a good idea and tell a history, this is a good movie. I think that they made a very good video for this they won the first prize.

part III

i think that in class i don't have the direct all but i always help my team in the film and i always try do my homework but sometimes i dont understand but i do one day later, always i try do all the better that i can for this i think that i have a "2 GOOD" in this class